Scripting Reference

The Mana server uses the scripting language LUA for scripting. This is a list of the script commands currently implemented in addition to the standard lua statements and functions.

Also, if you want to look at actual working samples, you can have a look at the example/scripts folder in the Mana server source which has always the latest working set.

Available script bindings

Ability info class

See the abilities Documentation for a script example



Return value: The name of the abilityinfo object.

Note: See get_ability_info for getting a abilityinfo object.


abilityinfo:on_recharged(function callback)

Assigns the callback as callback for the recharged event. This function will be called everytime when the ability is fully recharged.

Note: See get_ability_info for getting a abilityinfo object.


abilityinfo:on_use(function callback)

Assigns the callback as callback for the use event. This function will be called everytime a character uses a ability.

Note: See get_ability_info for getting a abilityinfo object.


get_ability_info(int abilityId)
get_ability_info(string abilityName)

Return value: This function returns a object of the abilityinfo class. See below for usage of that object.

Note: When passing the abilityName as parameter make sure that it is formatted in this way: <setname>/<abilityname> (for eg. "Magic_Healingspell").

Area of Effect

In order to easily use area of effects in your items or in your scripts, the following functions are available:


get_beings_in_circle(int x, int y, int radius)
get_beings_in_circle(handle actor, int radius)

Return value: This function returns a lua table of all beings in a circle of radius (in pixels) radius centered either at the pixel at (x, y) or at the position of being.


get_beings_in_rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)

Return value: An table of being entities within the rectangle. All parameters have to be passed as pixels.


get_distance(handle being1, handle being2)
get_distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

Return value: The distance between the two beings or the two points in pixels.

AttributeInfo class


local name = attributeinfo:name()

Return value: The name of the attributeinfo.


local attributeinfo = get_attribute_info(string name)
local attributeinfo = get_attribute_info(int id)

Return value: The attribute info of the passed attribute.


Note: You can only assign a single function as callback. When setting a new function the old one will not be called anymore. Some of this callbacks are already used for the libmana.lua. Be careful when using those since they will most likely break your code in other places.


on_being_death(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the being as argument as soon a being dies.


on_character_death(function ref)

Sets a listener function to the character death event.


on_character_death_accept(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the character as argument as soon a character either pressed the ok dialouge in the death message or left the game while being dead.


on_character_login(function ref)

Will make sure that function ref gets called with the character as argument as soon a character logged in.


on_craft(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the crafting character and a table with the recipes {(id, amount}) when a character performs crafting.


on_create_npc_delayed(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the name, id, gender, x and y values as arguments of the npc when a npc should be created at map init (Npcs defined directly in the map files use this).


on_entity_remove(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the being as argument as soon a being gets removed from a map.


on_map_initialize(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the initialized map as current map when the map is initialized.


on_mapupdate(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called with the map id as argument for each game tick and map.


on_recalculate_base_attribute(function ref)

Will call the function ref when an attribute base needs to be recalculated. The function is expected to do this recalculation then. The engine only triggers this for characters. However you can use the same function for recalculating derived attributes in the on_update_derived_attribute callback.

See: attributes.xml for more info.


on_update(function ref)

Will make sure that the function ref gets called every game tick.


on_update_derived_attribute(function ref)

Will call the function ref when an attribute changed and other attributes need recalculation. The function is expected to recalculate those then.

See: attributes.xml for more info.

Character and being interaction


chr_get_post(handle character)

Gets the post for the character.


chr_get_quest(handle character, string name)

Return value: The quest variable named name for the given character.

Warning: May only be called from an NPC talk function.


chr_request_quest(handle character, string questvariable, Ref function)

Requests the questvar from the account server. This will make it available in the quest cache after some time. The passed function will be called back as soon the quest var is available.


chr_set_quest(handle character, string name, string value)

Sets the quest variable named name for the given character to the value value.


chr_try_get_quest(handle character, string questvariable)

Callback for checking if a quest variable is available in cache.

Return value: It will return the variable if it is or nil if it is not in cache.


entity:ability_mana(int abilityid)
entity:ability_mana(string abilityname)

Return value: The remaining time of the ability cooldown.

Note: When passing the abilityname as parameter make sure that it is formatted in this way: <setname>/<abilityname> (for eg. "Magic_Healingspell").



Valid only for being entities.

Return value: Current action of the being. These action constants are defined in libmana-constants.lua:



add_hit_taken(int damage)

Adds a damage value to the taken hits of a being. This list will be send to all clients in the view range in order to allow to display the hit particles.


entity:apply_attribute_modifier(int attribute_id, double value,
                                unsigned int layer, [unsigned short duration,
                                [unsigned int effect_id]])

Valid only for being entities.

Parameters description: \ * value (double): The modifier value (can be negative). * layer (unsigned int): The layer or level of the modifier. As modifiers are stacked on an attribute, the layer determines where the modifier will be inserted. Also, when adding a modifier, all the modifiers with an higher ayer value will also be recalculated. * duration (unsigned short): The modifier duration in ticks((A tick is equal to 100ms.)). If set to 0, the modifier is permanent. * effect_id (unsigned int): Set and keep that parameter when you want to retrieve the exact layer later. (FIXME: Check this.)



Valid only for character entities.

Returns: Returns the amount of available attribute points.


entity:base_attribute(int attribute_id)

Valid only for being entities.

Return value: Returns the value of the being's base attribute.



Valid only for character entities.

Returns: Returns the amount of available correction points.


local x, y = entity:destination()

Valid only for being entities.

Return value: The x and y coordinates of the destination.



Valid only for being entities.

Return value: Current direction of the being. These direction constants are defined in libmana-constants.lua:



local x, y = entity:entity_look_at(entity other)
local x, y = entity:entity_look_at(int x, int y)

Valid only for being entities.

Makes the being looking at another being or a point.



Valid only for being entities.

Return value: The gender of the being. These gender constants are defined in libmana-constants.lua:



entity:give_ability(int ability)

Valid only for character and monster entities.

Enables an ability for a character.



Valid only for character entities.

Gets the amount of ticks before any other ability can be used again



Valid only for character entities.

Return value: The hair color ID of the character.



Valid only for character entities.

Return value: The hair style ID of the character.


entity:has_ability(int ability)

Valid only for character and monster entities.

Return value: True if the character has the ability, false otherwise.


entity:heal([int value])

Valid only for being entities.

Restores value lost hit points to the being. Value can be omitted to restore the being to full hit points.

While you can (ab)use this function to hurt a being by using a negative value you should rather use entity:damage for this purpose.


entity:increment_kill_count(int monsterId)
entity:increment_kill_count(string monsterName)
entity:increment_kill_count(MonsterClass monsterClass)

Valid only for character entities.

Increments the kill count by one.



Valid only for character entities.

Kicks the character.


entity:kill_count(int monsterId)
entity:kill_count(string monsterName)
entity:kill_count(MonsterClass monsterClass)

Valid only for character entities.

Return value: The total number of monsters of the specy (passed either as monster id, monster name or monster class) the character has killed during its career.



Return value: the id of the map where the entity is located or nil if there is none.



Valid only for being entities.

Return value: Name of the being.



Valid only for actor entities.

Return value: The x and y position of the actor in pixels, measured from the top-left corner of the map it is currently on.



Makes the server call the on_being_death and on_entity_remove callbacks when the being dies or the entity is removed from the map.

Note: You should never need to call this in most situations. It is handeled by the libmana.lua


entity:remove_attribute_modifier(int attribute_id,
                                 double value, unsigned int layer)

Valid only for being entities.

Permits to remove an attribute modifier by giving its value and its layer.



Valid only for character entities.

Return value: The access level of the account of the character.


entity:set_ability_cooldown(int abilityid, int ticks)
entity:set_ability_cooldown(string abilityname, int ticks)

Valid only for character entities.

Sets the amout of ticks that a ability needs to cooldown.

Note: When passing the abilitynam as parameter make sure that it is formatted in this way: <setname>/<abilityname> (for eg. "Magic_Healingspell").


entity:set_action(int action)

Valid only for being entities.

Sets the current action for the being.


entity:set_attribute_points(int amount)

Valid only for character entities.

Sets the amount of attribute points for the entity


entity:set_base_attribute(int attribute_id, double new_value)

Valid only for being entities.

Set the value of the being's base attribute to the 'new_value' parameter given. (It can be negative).


entity:set_correction_points(int amount)

Valid only for character entities.

Sets the amount of correction points for the entity


entity:set_direction(int direction)

Valid only for being entities.

Sets the current direction of the given being. Directions are same as in entity:direction.


entity:set_gender(int gender)

Valid only for being entities.

Sets the gender of the being.

The gender constants are defined in libmana-constants.lua:



entity:set_global_ability_cooldown(int ticks)

Valid only for character entities.

Sets the amount of ticks before any other ability can be used again


entity:set_hair_color(int color)

Valid only for character entities.

Sets the hair color ID of the character to color.


entity:set_hair_style(int style)

Valid only for character entities.

Sets the hair style ID of the character to style.


entity:set_walkmask(string mask)

Valid only for actor entities.

Sets the walkmasks of an actor. The mask is a set of characters which stand for different collision types.

| w | Wall | | c | Character | | m | Monster |

This means entity:set_walkmask("wm") will prevent the being from walking over walls and monsters.


entity:shake_screen(int x, int y[, float strength, int radius])

Valid only for character entities.

Shakes the screen for a given character.


entity:show_text_particle(string text)

Valid only for character entities.

Shows a text particle on a client. This effect is only visible for the character.


entity:take_ability(int ability)

Valid only for character and monster entities.

Removes a ability from a entity.

Return value: True if removal was successful, false otherwise (in case the character did not have the ability).



Return value: Type of the given entity. These type constants are defined in libmana-constants.lua:

| 0 | TYPE_ITEM | | 1 | TYPE_ACTOR | | 2 | TYPE_NPC | | 3 | TYPE_MONSTER | | 4 | TYPE_CHARACTER | | 5 | TYPE_EFFECT | | 6 | TYPE_OTHER |


entity:use_ability(int ability)
entity:use_ability(string ability)

Valid only for character and monster entities.

Makes the entity using the given ability if it is available and recharged.

Return value: True if the ability was used successfully. False otherwise (if the ability is not available for the entity or was not recharged).


entity:walk(int pixelX, int pixelY [, int walkSpeed])

Valid only for being entities.

Set the desired destination in pixels for the being.

The optional 'WalkSpeed' is to be given in tiles per second. The average speed is 6.0 tiles per second. If no speed is given the default speed of the being is used.



Valid only for actor entities.

Return value: The walkmask of the actor formatted as string. (See entity:set_walkmask)


entity:warp(int mapID, int posX, int posY)
entity:warp(string mapName, int posX, int posY)

Valid only for character entities.

Teleports the character to the position posX:posY on the map with the ID number mapID or name mapName. The mapID can be substituted by nil to warp the character to a new position on the current map.



Valid only for actor entities.

Return value: The x position of the actor in pixels, measured from the left border of the map it is currently on.



Valid only for actor entities.

Return value: The y position of the actor in pixels, measured from the top border of the map it is currently on.


get_character_by_name(string name)

Tries to find an online character by name.

Return value the character handle or nil if there is none.


entity:set_questlog(int id, int state, string name,
                    string description[, bool notify = true])

Sets the questlog status.

Valid only for character entities.

For state you can use one of the following: * QUEST_OPEN * QUEST_FINISHED * QUEST_FAILED


entity:set_questlog_description(int id, string description[, bool notify = true])

Sets the questlog description.

Valid only for character entities.


entity:set_questlog_state(int id, int state[, bool notify = true])

Sets the questlog state.

Valid only for character entities.

For state you can use one of the following: * QUEST_OPEN * QUEST_FINISHED * QUEST_FAILED


entity:set_questlog_title(int id, string title[, bool notify = true])

Sets the questlog title.

Valid only for character entities.

Creation and removal of stuff


drop_item(int x, int y, int id [, int number])
drop_item(int x, int y, string name[, int number])

Creates an item stack on the floor.


effect_create(int id, int x, int y)
effect_create(int id, being b)

Triggers the effect id from the clients effects.xml (particle and/or sound) at map location x:y or on being b. This has no effect on gameplay.

Warning: Remember that clients might switch off particle effects for performance reasons. Thus you should not use this for important visual input.



Removes the entity from its current map.


monster_create(int monsterID, int x, int y)
monster_create(string monstername, int x, int y)

Return value: A handle to the created monster.

Spawns a new monster of type monsterID or monstername on the current map on the pixel coordinates x:y.


npc_create(string name, int spriteID, int gender, int x, int y,
           function talkfunct, function updatefunct)

Return value: A handle to the created NPC.

Creates a new NPC with the name name at the coordinates x:y which appears to the players with the appearence listed in their npcs.xml under spriteID and the gender gender. Every game tick the function updatefunct is called with the handle of the NPC. When a character talks to the NPC the function talkfunct is called with the NPC handle and the character handle.

For setting the gender you can use the constants defined in the libmana-constants.lua:



npc_disable(handle npc)

Disable an NPC.


npc_disable(handle npc)

Re-enables an NPC that got disabled before.


trigger_create(int x, int y, int width, int height,
               function trigger_function, int arg, bool once)

Creates a new trigger area with the given height and width in pixels at the map position x:y in pixels. When a being steps into this area the function trigger_function is called with the being handle and arg as arguments. When once is false the function is called every game tick the being is inside the area. When once is true it is only called again when the being leaves and reenters the area.

Input and output


announce(string message [, string sender])

Sends a global announce with the given message and sender. If no sender is passed "Server" will be used as sender.


ask(item1, item2, ... itemN)

Return value: Number of the option the player selected (starting with 1).

Warning: May only be called from an NPC talk function.

Shows an NPC dialog box on the users screen with a number of dialog options to choose from. Idles the current thread until the user selects one or aborts the current thread when the user clicks "cancel".

Items are either strings or tables of strings (indices are ignored, but presumed to be taken in order). So, ask("A", {"B", "C", "D"}, "E") is the same as ask("A", "B", "C", "D", "E").


ask_number(min_num, max_num, [default_num])

Return value: The number the player entered into the field.

Warning: May only be called from an NPC talk function.

Shows a dialog box to the user which allows him to choose a number between min_num and max_num. If default_num is set this number will be uses as default. Otherwise min_num will be the default.



Return value: The string the player entered.

Warning: May only be called from an NPC talk function.

Shows a dialog box to a user which allows him to enter a text.


entity:message(string message)

Delivers the string message to this entity (which needs to be a character). It will appear in the chatlog as a private message from "Server".


entity:say(string message)

Makes this entity (which can be a character, monster or NPC), speak the string message as if it was entered by a player in the chat bar.



Starts retrieving post. Better not try to use it so far.


say(string message)

Warning: May only be called from an NPC talk function.

Shows an NPC dialog box on the screen of displaying the string message. Idles the current thread until the user click "OK".

Inventory interaction


entity:change_money(int amount)

Valid only for character entities.

Changes the money currently owned by this character by ''amount''.

Warning: Before reducing the money make sure to check if the character owns enough money using entity:money.


entity:equip_item(int item_id)
entity:equip_item(string item_name)

Valid only for character entities.

Makes the character equip the item id when it exists in the player's inventory.

Return value: true if equipping suceeded. false otherwise.


entity:equip_slot(int slot)

Valid only for character entities.

Makes the character equip the item in the given inventory slot.


entity:equipment(): table[](slot, item id, name)}

Valid only for character entities.

Used to get a full view of a character's equipment. This is not the preferred way to know whether an item is equipped: Use entity:inv_count for simple cases.

Return value: A table containing all the info about the character's equipment. Empty slots are not listed.

Example of use: {% highlight lua %} local equipment_table = ch:equipment() for i = 1, #equipment_table do item_message = item_message.."\n"..equipment_table[i].slot..", " ..equipment_table[i].id..", "..equipment_table[i].name end {% endhighlight %}


entity:inv_change(int id1, int number1, ..., int idN, numberN)
entity:inv_change(string name1, int number1, ..., string nameN, numberN)

Valid only for character entities.

Changes the number of items with the item ID id or name owned by this character by number. You can change any number of items with this function by passing multiple id or name and number pairs. A failure can be caused by trying to take items the character doesn't possess.

Return value: Boolean true on success, boolean false on failure.

Warning: When one of the operations fails the following operations are ignored but these before are executed. For that reason you should always check if the character possesses items you are taking away using entity:inv_count.


entity:inv_count(int id1, ..., int idN)
entity:inv_count(string name1, ..., string nameN)

Valid only for character entities.

Return values: A number of integers with the amount of items id or name carried or equipped by the character.


entity:inventory(): table[]{slot, item id, name, amount, equipped}

Valid only for character entities.

Used to get a full view of a character's inventory. This is not the preferred way to know whether an item is in the character's inventory: Use entity:inv_count for simple cases.

Return value: A table containing all the info about the character's inventory. Empty slots are not listed.

Example of use: {% highlight lua %} local inventory_table = ch:inventory() for i = 1, #inventory_table do item_message = item_message.."\n"..inventory_table[i].slot..", " ..inventory_table[i].id..", "..inventory_table[i].name..", " ..inventory_table[i].amount end {% endhighlight %}



Valid only for character entities.

Returns the money currently owned by this character.


entity:unequip_item(int item_id)
entity:unequip_item(string item_name)

Valid only for character entities.

Makes the character unequip the item(s) corresponding to the id when it exists in the player's equipment.

Return value: true when every item were unequipped from equipment.


entity:unequip_slot(int slot)

Valid only for character entities.

Makes the character unequip the item in the given equipment slot.

Return value: true upon success. false otherwise.


trade(bool mode,
      { int item1id, int item1amount, int item1cost }, ...,
      { int itemNid, int itemNamount, int itemNcost })
trade(bool mode,
      { string item1name, int item1amount, int item1cost }, ...,
      { string itemNname, int itemNamount, int itemNcost })

FIXME: Move into a seperate file Opens a trade window from an NPC conversation. mode is true for selling and false for buying. You have to set each items the NPC is buying/selling, the cost and the maximum amount in {}.

Note: If the fourth parameters (table type) is omitted or invalid, and the mode set to sell (true), the whole player inventory is then sellable.

N.B.: Be sure to put a value (item cost) parameter in your items.xml to permit the player to sell it when using this option.

Return values: * 0 when a trade has been started * 1 when there is no buy/sellable items * 2 in case of errors.

Examples: {% highlight lua %} -- "A buy sample." local buycase = trade(false, { {"Sword", 10, 20}, {"Bow", 10, 30}, {"Dagger", 10, 50} }) if buycase == 0 then say("What do you want to buy?") elseif buycase == 1 then say("I've got no items to sell.") else say("Hmm, something went wrong... Ask a scripter to fix the buying mode!") end

-- ...

-- "Example: Let the player sell only pre-determined items." local sellcase = trade(true, { {"Sword", 10, 20}, {"Bow", 10, 30}, {"Dagger", 10, 200}, {"Knife", 10, 300}, {"Arrow", 10, 500}, {"Cactus Drink", 10, 25} }) if sellcase == 0 then say("Here we go:") elseif sellcase == 1 then say("I'm not interested by your items.") else say("Hmm, something went wrong...") say("Ask a scripter to fix me!") end

-- ...

-- "Example: Let the player sell every item with a 'value' parameter in
the server's items.xml file
local sellcase = trade(true)
if sellcase == 0 then
  say("Ok, what do you want to sell:")
elseif sellcase == 1 then
  say("I'm not interested by any of your items.")
  say("Hmm, something went wrong...")
  say("Ask a scripter to fix me!")

{% endhighlight %}

Item class


get_item_class(int itemid)
get_item_class(string itemname)

Return value: This function returns a object of the item class. See below for usage of that object.



Return value: The name of the item class.


itemclass:on(string event, function callback)

Assigns callback as callback for the event event.

Note: See get_item_class for getting a itemclass object.



DEBUG(string message)

Will log the ''message'' using the log level LOG_DEBUG.

Note: When passing multiple arguments these arguments will get connected using a " ".


ERROR(string message)

Will log the ''message'' using the log level LOG_ERROR.

Note: When passing multiple arguments these arguments will get connected using a " ".


INFO(string message)

Will log the ''message'' using the log level LOG_INFO.

Note: When passing multiple arguments these arguments will get connected using a " ".


WARN(string message)

Will log the ''message'' using the log level LOG_WARNING.

Note: When passing multiple arguments these arguments will get connected using a " ".


log(int log_level, string message)

Log something at the specified log level. The available log levels are: | 0 | LOG_FATAL | | 1 | LOG_ERROR | | 2 | LOG_WARNING | | 3 | LOG_INFO | | 4 | LOG_DEBUG |

Map information



Return value: The ID number of the map the script runs on.


get_map_property(string key)

Return value: The value of the property key of the current map. The string is empty if the property key does not exist.


get_path_lenght(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY, int maxRange)
get_path_lenght(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY, int maxRange,
                string walkmask)

Tries to find a path from the start coordinates to the target ones with a maximum of ''maxRange'' steps (in tiles).

If no ''walkmask'' is passed '''w''' is used.

Return value: The number of steps (in tiles) are required to reach the target or 0 if no path was found.


is_walkable(int x, int y)

Return value: True if x:y is a walkable pixel on the current map.



Return value: The pvp situation of the map.

There are constants for the different pvp situations in the libmana-constants.lua:

| 0 | PVP_NONE | | 1 | PVP_FREE |

Map object class


map_get_objects(string type)

Return value: A table of all objects or a table of all objects of the given type. See below for usage of these objects.



Return value: x, y position and height, width of the mapobject.

Example use: {% highlight lua %} local x, y, width, height = my_mapobject:bounds() {% endhighlight %}

Note: See map_get_objects for getting a mapobject object.



Return value: Name as set in the mapeditor of the mapobject.

Note: See map_get_objects for getting a mapobject object.


mapobject:property(string key)

Return value: The value of the property of the key key or nil if the property does not exists.

Note: See map_get_objects for getting a monsterclass object.



Return value: Type as set in the mapeditor of the mapobject.

Note: See map_get_objects for getting a mapobject object.




Valid only for monster entities.

Return value: The id of the monster class.

Monster class


get_monster_class(int monsterid)
get_monster_class(string monstername)

Return value: This function returns a object of the monster class. See below for usage of that object.



Return value: A Table with all monster classes. The id of the monster is the key. The monster class itself the value. See below for the usage of this object.



Return value: The name of the monster class.


monsterclass:on_update(function callback)

Assigns the callback as callback for the monster update event. This callback will be called every tick for each monster of that class.

Note: See get_monster_class for getting a monsterclass object.

Persistent variables


getvar_map(string variablename)

Return value: the value of a persistent map variable.

See: map[] for an easier way to get a map variable.


getvar_world(string variablename)

Gets the value of a persistent global variable.

See: world[] for an easier way to get a map variable.


local value = map[string key]
map[string key] = value

Sets or gets a persistent map variable. The scope of the variable is the map the script runs on. The value is stored in the database and thus will survive a server reboot.

Example: {% highlight lua %} local value = map["a key"] if value == "some value" then map["a key"] = "other value" end {% endhighlight %}


on_mapvar_changed(string key, function func)

Registers a callback to the key. This callback will be called with the key and value of the changed variable.

Example: {% highlight lua %} on_mapvar_changed(key, function(key, value) log(LOG_DEBUG, "mapvar " .. key .. " has new value " .. value) end) {% endhighlight %}


on_worldvar_changed(string key, function func)

Registers a callback to the key. This callback will be called with the key and value of the changed variable.

Example: {% highlight lua %} on_worldvar_changed(key, function(key, value) log(LOG_DEBUG, "worldvar " .. key .. " has new value " .. value) end) {% endhighlight %}


remove_mapvar_listener(string key, function func)

Unassigns a function from getting notified from mapvar changes.


remove_worldvar_listener(string key, function func)

Unassigns a function from getting notified from worldvar changes.


setvar_map(string variablename, string value)

Sets the value of a persistent map variable.

See: map[] for an easier way to get a map variable.


setvar_world(string variablename, string value)

Sets the value of a persistent global variable.

See: world[] for an easier way to get a map variable.


local value = world[string key]
world[string key] = value

Sets or gets a persistent world variable. The value is stored in the database and thus will survive a server reboot.

Important: When you are using this function, be aware of race conditions: It is impossible to prevent that another map changes the value of a variable between you requesting to old value and setting a new value.

Example: {% highlight lua %} local value = world["a key"] if value == "some value" then world["a key"] = "other value" end {% endhighlight %}



atinit(function() [function body] end)

Adds a function which is executed when the gameserver loads the map this script belongs to. Usually used for placing NPCs or trigger areas and for setting up cronjobs with schedule_every. Any number of functions can be added this way.


on_death(handle being, function() [function body] end)

Executes the ''function body'' when ''being'' is killed. Note that this doesn't happen anymore after the being left the map.


on_remove(handle being, function() [function body] end)

Executes the ''function body'' when ''being'' is no longer on the map for some reason (leaves the map voluntarily, is warped away, logs out, cleaned up after getting killed or whatever). The removed ''being'' will be passed as an argument of the function


schedule_every(seconds, function() [function body] end)

Executes the ''function body'' every ''seconds'' seconds from now on.


schedule_in(seconds, function() [function body] end)

Executes the ''function body'' in ''seconds'' seconds.


schedule_per_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, function() [function body] end)

Executes the ''function body'' at the given date and time.

Status effect class


get_status_effect(string name)

Return value: This function returns a object of the statuseffect class. See below for usage of that object.


statuseffect:on_tick(function callback)

Sets the callback that gets called for every tick when the status effect is active.

Note: See get_status_effect for getting a statuseffect object.

Status effects


entity:apply_status(int status_id, int time)

Valid only for being entities.

Gives a being a status effect status_id, status effects don't work on NPCs. time is in game ticks.


entity:has_status(int status_id)

Valid only for being entities.

Return value: True if the being has a given status effect.


entity:remove_status(int status_id)

Valid only for being entities.

Removes a given status effect from a being.


entity:set_status_time(int status_id, int time)

Valid only for being entities.

Sets the time on a status effect a target being already has.


entity:status_time(int status_id)

Valid only for being entities.

Return Value: Number of ticks remaining on a status effect.

Needed script bindings

Area of Effect

Possible missing area of effect functions: