
The status-effects.xml file is used to define positive and negative status effects seen around the character.

Here is a description of the different parameters of this file:

Status-effects parameters

Here is a status-effects.xml file sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <status-effect name="item-healing" id="70" block-id="24"

    <status-effect name="speed" id="37" block-id="21"
    <status-effect name="strength" id="185" block-id="23"
    <status-effect name="invisibility" id="4096" block-id="12"
                   start-message="You are now invisible."
                   end-message="You are no longer invisible."
Parameter Value type Description
id integer The status effect id used to store and call the effect internally. Must be unique.
name string The status effect name.
block-id integer FIXME: Review this one in case it's wrong and document it better for maintainers.
Indicate the effect family. Used to tell at which offset to store the effect in the character's status-effect bitmask.
icon string XML filename used set up a small icon animation of the status-effect.
start-message string Sentence displayed in the chat window when the effect is starting.
end-message string Sentence displayed in the chat window when the effect is ending.
start-audio string SFX file played when the effect is starting.
end-audio string SFX file played when the effect is ending.
persistent-particle-effect boolean
Tells whether the effect is played once or looped.
start-particle string XML filename used to set up the particle effect displayed around the character when the effect is activated (and looped if the persistent-particle-effect is set to true).
end-particle string XML filename used to set up the particle effect displayed around the character when the effect is deactivated.