character transfer interface

character transfer interface

To allow a multi world server landscape there should be a standardized way to transfer characters to different servers to make it easier for players to switch servers. The system should be: * decentralized * tampering-proof * allow control for servers from where they import characters and how

When servers allow to import characters from themself this system can also be used to transfer characters between accounts.

Export interface

Exporting of characters should be done with the web interface of the server the character is on. The user selects which of their characters they want to export, enters a "character password" (which should differ from the account password) and then they can download an XML file with:

The player can then use this file to import the character on another server.

Import interface

To import a character from another server the user uploads the XML file using the web interface of the target server and enters the character password.

Before the server accepts the character it has to check the following:

Abuse Scenarios

Export your character, persuade an admin to rename the old character and reimport it. Now you have two identical characters with duplicated money and inventory items. Solution: When renaming a character save a list of previous character names and check this when importing.

Become an admin on a trusted server, import a character from another server, use your admin rights to level it up, reimport it on the original server. Solution: Server admins should choose carefully from which servers they allow character import.